
HF Amateur Radio

Det ursprungliga priset var: 280 kr.Det nuvarande priset är: 150 kr.

Författare: Ian Poole, G3YWZ
Utgiven: 2007
Antal sidor: 144
Bindning: Pocket
Språk: Engelska
Förlag: RSGB
Utgivare: RSGB
ISBN: 9781-9050-8629-0

1 i lager

Artikelnr: 86290 Kategorier: , ,


The HF (or short wave) bands are one of the most interesting areas of amateur radio. Stations from all around the globe can be heard and many interesting contacts can be made. Operating on these frequencies requires many skills if the most is to be made of the time that is available.

This second edition of HF Amateur Radio by the leading amateur radio author Ian Poole, G3YWX sets out all that your need to know about the radio spectrum from 1.8 to 30MHz. This book takes the reader through setting up an efficient amateur radio station, which equipment to choose, installation, and the best antenna for your location. It is packed full of information including which frequencies to use, how to operate on the bands, and the advantages of each type of transmission. Written in an approachable and informative style, this book has been fully revised and extensively expanded for this edition.

HF Amateur Radio will benefit those new to amateur radio, anyone contemplating exploring the world below 30MHz, and just about any licensed amateur or short-wave listener who feels he could get more out of his station.

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Vikt 261 g
Dimensioner 174 × 240 × 8 mm


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