Ham Radio: Where Hands-On Lives On!
Lifelong learners will welcome Volume 3 of ARRL’s Hands-On Radio Experiments, assembled from the past four years (2013-2017) of QST’s monthly “Hands-On Radio” column, written by Ward Silver, N0AX. Silver expertly leads you through 57 basic electronics experiments, designed to increase your understanding of radio fundamentals, components, circuits and design. Like the previous volumes, the experiments span an eclectic mix of topics:
- Electronic Circuits
- Antennas and Propagation
- Transmission Lines and Impedance Matching
- Electronic Fundamentals
- Electronic Components
- Tests and Test Equipment
- RF Techniques
- Practical Station Practices
As long as we keep putting our hands on radios, there will be new things to learn and techniques to try!
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